Marrakech is the city of contrasts.

The souks of the medina are bustling with goods that can’t be found anywhere else in the world, while the luxury hotels and shopping malls of the new district are just a stone’s throw from the artisanat markets where you can find handmade treasures from across Morocco.

Artisanat is a term used to describe handcrafted goods produced by artisans in their own homes, workshops, or small businesses. Artisans often specialize in one or two types of craft—such as pottery, leatherwork, textiles, or metalworking—and may sell their products through local markets or online stores.

It’s not uncommon for an artisan at an artisanat market to work from sunrise until sunset. As you wander through the souks and make your way toward dinner at one of Marrakech’s many restaurants and cafes, keep an eye out for these unique shops because they might just be worth stopping by!


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